PABMB support for plenary lectures
The Executive Committee strongly recommends including a PABMB Plenary Lecture in each Annual Meeting of the Constituent and Adherent Societies.
The lecturer to be invited by the meeting Organizing Committee must be a member of one PABMB Affiliated Society and resident in a country different from the country hosting the event.
PABMB will provide up to US$ 1,000 to cover part of travel expenses of the lecturer and a commemorative plaque.
The Organizing Committee should submit applications before September 30 for Meetings programmed for January-June of the following year or before March 31 for Meetings programmed for July-December of the same year. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their requests within one month.
The Organizing Committee will receive the PABMB grant into a bank account of their choice from the PABMB Treasurer after returning the originally signed contract to the PABMB Treasurer.
1. Application Guideline
The applicant Society has to complete the appropriate Plenary Lecture Application Form, which can be downloaded from the PABMB homepage (Application Forms).
The application must be filled in and sent to the Secretary General Prof. Alicia Gonzalez Manjarrez (amanjarr@ifc.unam.mx)